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Vol. XXI: Art of the Armenian Diaspora, Waldemar Deluga (ed.)

Vol. XXI: Art of the Armenian Diaspora, Waldemar Deluga (ed.)

Contents: WALDEMAR DELUGA, Introduction; CORNELIA HORN, Rereading Armenian Art Historical Evidence and Literary Sources: A New Context for the “Acts of Heraclius” and the Relief on the North Portal of the Church of Mren; LEE BEAUDOEN, From the Golden Aple to the Heigts of Ararat: Intersection between Armenian Material Cultural scholarship and Byzantium; EMMA CHOOKASZIAN, 11th century Evangelist Portraits from a Gary Tatingtian’s Collection; PETRA KOŠTÁLOVÁ, Pilgrims’ Encounters with Alterity: Cultural Heritage of Armenian Traveller from Poland; PIOTR KONDRACIUK, Churches in Zamość. Between tradition and local form; ANATOLE UPART, Santa Maria Egiziaca: The Armenian national church early Modern Rome; BÁLINT KOVÁCS, A positivist archivist or a tourist? Armenian wooden churches in the travel account of Minas Bžškeanc’; MARIAM VARDANYAN, Grec or “Athos Crosses” in the Armenian Churches of Romania; SATENIK CHOOKASZIAN, Armenian silver belts from the collection of the National Gallery of Armenia (end of 19 century – beginning of 20 century); SATENIK VARDANYAN, Armenian Church art in the Russian Empire at the beginning of 20 century; ZOLTÁN GERÁLY, Diaspora or homeland? A brief overview of the Armenian heritage in the North Caucasus; ANNA KARAPETIAN, The Forging of Armenian Art in the Czech Republic.

Materiały z konferencji w Ostrawie w 2022 roku.

University of Ostrava, Polish Institute of World Art Studies, Ostrava – Warsaw 2023   ISSN 1733-5787 (174 pp.)